Who we support
Ocularistica italiana has chosen to support associations in which we believe, and which are guided by noble values of solidarity and support.

Who we support
The Kim association
The Kim association puts up, for free, children from Italy and from all over the world, who need medical care.
Access to cures, but above all support in all the phases of the path is the cardinal point of this project which has, in the course of the years, brought back smiles and serenity to many children.

Who we support
Real Eyes Sport
Real Eyes Sport is an association which was ideated by Daniele Cassioli, who was blind from birth and is the holder of 25 world titles, 25 European titles and 41 Italian titles for water skiing.
Sport as an instrument for encouraging the inclusion of blind people in daily life through the practice of sport. The association organizes summer and winter camps to introduce children with visual impairment to sport.

Who we support
The AIRL association offers support to families of children with retinoblastoma
The AIRL association offers support to families of children with retinoblastoma.
Retinoblastoma is a tumour that affects the eye in childhood and that today, thanks to innovative therapies, can be defeated definitively.
The association is made up of parents and former patients and offers psychological support to children and families, accompanying them on the path to treatment and ensuring them
the best therapeutic and aesthetic outcome when enucleation is required.