What is the cost of an ocular prosthesis?
The ocular prosthesis is a medical device supplied by the national health system free of charge for all citizens who are official Italian residents. There are no extra costs.
To find out the procedures to follow and for all the necessary assistance, in order to obtain a free prosthesis, our secretaries’ offices are at your complete disposal via email or telephone.
Ocularistica Italiana
What are the procedures to be followed in order to obtain free prostheses?
The procedures are simple and Ocularistica Italiana offer assistance in the compilation of the necessary documentation for the competent administrative bodies: ASL and INAIL on the national territory, which are the recognised official authorities.
Patients assisted by INAIL are all those who need to apply for an ocular prosthesis, as a result of having had an accident at work. The prosthesis will be supplied for free by INAIL.
The patient must request an estimate of cost from Ocularistica Italiana and then present it to their local INAIL office which will then issue the authorization for supplying it for free.
The INAIL office will communicate directly with Ocularistica Italiana, who will then contact the patient to make an appointment. After being supplied with the prosthesis it is necessary, within 20 days, for the patient to go their local INAIL office to carry out a check-up, as decreed by law.
Patients assisted by ASL, in order to obtain a free prosthesis, must go directly to the prosthesis office in their local ASL.
The documentation or receipt of the request for civil invalidity (which can be requested from INPS, a CAF office or from one’s own doctor/GP).
The medical prescription from an ophthalmologist from a public health structure (hospital or ASL).
The estimate of costs from Ocularistica Italiana s.r.l.® which you will receive after having obtained the prescription.
Once you have obtained the authorisation it is necessary to contact Ocularistica Italiana s.r.l.® to book an appointment.
After being supplied with the prosthesis it is necessary, within 20 days, for the patient to return to the doctor at the public health structure who had given them their original prescription to carry out a check-up (as decreed by law).
customized phrostesis
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For info and reservations, you can call from 08:00 to 18:00 at the numbers 06.3210718 / 06.3207025. If you come from outside Rome, you can see here the hotels nearly.